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Bachelor in Environmental Sciences
The Bachelor of Science course lasts three years. The first two years are devoted to basic studies in the general disciplines of chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and information technology, supplemented by fundamental economics and law. From this foundation, students are able to learn more in lectures, practical applications and excursions about the environmental systems – Atmosphere (air), Hydrosphere (water), Pedosphere (earth), and Anthroposphere, as well as land-use in agriculture and forestry. The environmental studies are complemented by courses in social sciences and the humanities as well as technical subjects.
Study guide (available in German only)
Further information can be found on the USYS web site.
CP, together with other professorships of the Institute for Environmental Decisions, is responsible for:
- the special subject "Human-Environment Systems" (in German only)
- major parts of social science education
Master in Environmental Sciences
The Master course in Environmental Sciences provides a high level and broad-based education in the environmental sciences. Furthermore it is designed to enable students to gain experience in handling complex problems and to develop a wide range of work-relevant skills. Students are mentored with the goal of their becoming experts and leaders in diverse settings – universities, research institutions, environmental and planning offices, public services, and also in relevant sections of the banking, insurance and industrial services.
In this Master, CP, together with other professorships of the Institute for Environmental Decisions, is responsible for the Major in Environmental Systems and Policy (see below).
Further information can be found here.
Major in Environmental Systems and Policy (ESP)
The major "Environmental Systems and Policy" (ESP) trains students in analysing environmental systems in way that is directly relevant to designing effective policies to address current problems. Among the UMNW majors, the ESP major is perceived as coming the closest to offering the training and tools to help solve environmental problems, by providing an understanding of the human aspect of both environmental problems and the associated solutions. The ESP emphasis on policy analysis and decision-making.