Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Natural Hazards
The CP group research in the area of climate change adaptation and natural hazards aims at providing a deeper understanding of policy options to drive transformative change in disaster risk reduction and adaptation.
In order to develop successful options, our research focuses on the exploration and analysis of effective process designs that take into account stakeholders’ actual needs and problems, in order to identify solutions that represent compromises among different stakeholders’ perspectives. We are not bound to any particular methodological or theoretical paradigm, but search for or develop the most appropriate tools and methods to generate useful interdisciplinary knowledge to solve each single problem.
Moreover one of our key interests is in the science-policy interface. At present, we deal with the benefits and barriers to the introduction of scientific innovation, e.g. multi-risk assessment, in natural hazard management and with the development of principles of scientific advice in risk and emergency communication at national, international and cross-border scales.
Within this research focus, we have received grants for some externally funded projects:
- Adaptive capacity of Switzerland to climate change, which identifies barriers limiting the adaptive capacity of stakeholders and develops measures that can enhance and improve adaptation across sectors
- End-user focused warning systems, which advances processes for stakeholder engagement and designs new frameworks of responsibility distribution for the development of effective warning systems
- ESPREssO, which aims at contributing to a new European strategic vision for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, thereby opening new frontiers for research and policy making, specifically in transboundary regions
- United Nations (Ed.), 2022. Our world at risk: transforming governance for a resilient future, Global assessment report on disaster risk reduction. United Nations, Geneva. More info about the authors can be found under this external page link
- external page ESPREssO Special Issue 2020, International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction
- Booth, L. (2020). Recommendations Case Chapter on Proactive Transboundary Cooperation between CCA and DRR sectors. In (Eds): Leitner, M., Buschmann, D., Capela Lourenço, T., Coninx, I. and Schmidt A. 2020. Bonding CCA and DRR: Recommendations for Strengthening Institutional Collaboration and Capacities. PLACARD project, Umweltbundesamt, Austria. doi: external page 10.13140/RG.2.2.34766.08002
- Booth, L; Schueller, L. A; Scolobig, A; Marx, S. (2020). Stakeholder solutions for building interdisciplinary and international synergies between Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 46, June 2020, 101616. doi: external page 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101616
- Booth, L; Fleming, K; Abad, J; Schueller, L. A; Leone, M; Scolobig, A; Baills, A. (2020). Simulating synergies between Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction stakeholders to improve management of transboundary disasters in Europe. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 49, Oct 2020. 101668. doi: external page 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101668
- GAR Schueller, L; Booth, L, Abad, J; Fleming, K. (2019). Learning culture amongst stakeholders in Disaster Risk Reduction. Chapter in Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) paper for the United Nations (UNISDR) Global Assessment Report 2019 (GAR, 2019). Report contributes to the biennial Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, and High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. Available at external page
- Prof. Dr Anthony Patt
- Dr Laura Booth
- Dr Susanne Hanger-Kopp