Dr. Tim Tröndle

Dr.  Tim Tröndle

Dr. Tim Tröndle

Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science

ETH Zürich

Professur Klimaschutz & -anpassung

CHN J 74.1

Universitätstrasse 16

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

The energy transition and the speed at which it is unfolding are at the core of my research. I am assessing barriers to the energy transition and how policy instruments can help overcoming them. Among these barriers are societal trade-offs, plurality of opinions, and lock-in effects. For example, I have assessed the trade-off between self-sufficiency and local landscape integrity, and then investigated how citizens resolve the choice.

In my work, I am applying state-of-the-art quantitative methods in the fields of energy system modelling, Bayesian probabilistic models, surrogate models, and high performance computing. 

I care about open, transparent, and reproducible research. To this end, I am applying methods derived from software engineering to produce high-quality scientific workflows.

Prior to joining the Climate Policy Lab, I have done research at the University of Cambridge, at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam, and at the University of Leipzig. I have also worked for an energy start-up developing Europe’s first commercial megawatt-scale battery storage plant. 

Additional information

For a list of my publications, please see my ORCID profile.

For a list of my analyses, please see my GitHub profile.

Course Catalogue

Autumn Semester 2024

Number Unit
701-1565-00L Quantitative Policy Analysis and Modeling
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